Brothel owner sentenced to seven years of prison for child trafficking

May 22, 2024

When she was just 14 years old, Sarita* was kidnapped in front of her house in India and forced into a life of sexual exploitation. In the years of her girlhood when she should be discovering what she's passionate about and making lifelong friends, she was thrown into a brothel, where she faced years of abuse and horrific trauma at the hands of buyers as well as the owner of the brothel.

Then, one day, everything changed. The doors of the brothel busted open, law enforcement flooded in, and Sarita was rescued from her nightmare. The dark lifted, she could barely believe her eyes, even colors looked different in freedom. After the rescue operation, Sarita was referred to the care of an Atlas Free Network Member. For the first time in years, she was safe. But that’s not where this story ends.

Shortly after the rescue operation, Sarita bravely made a statement to law enforcement about the brothel owner and how she tortured her. Because of this first-person statement, the police formed a case and arrested the brothel owner. The court sentenced her to seven years in prison with a fine for child trafficking

Today, we celebrate Sarita’s freedom and her courage to take a stand against her abuser and make a statement that helped bring justice. 

When you give monthly, you help make stories like this possible, not just for Sarita but for many children like her—children who are trapped, alone, and terrified. You can be that change. You can help bust down the doors of a brothel and bring a child to safety. 

Give as little as $25 a month today and bring justice to thousands.

*Name changed to protect the identity of the survivor.