N2GIVES is a significant partner to Atlas Free in the fight against sex trafficking and exploitation. By donating 2% of all sales to organizations in this global movement, we believe the N2GIVES community are modern-day abolitionists. This investment in freedom empowers Atlas Free to prevent trafficking, diminish demand, free victims, and guide survivors on a path toward restoration in 26 countries.
Globally, human trafficking is the fastest-growing illegal enterprise, generating $236 billion* in profit—that's more than Walmart, Visa, Amazon, Google, and Apple combined. We are grateful to partner with N2GIVES because they understand that sex trafficking and exploitation are both local and global, and the most sustainable solutions are locally-led. The only way to defeat this people-made issue is by working together and equipping communities to make real change. We are inspired by the fact that every time an N2 publication hits a mailbox, lives are changed for the better.
. *International Labour Organization 2024
“N2 has been an incredible partner in the fight against slavery, helping us fight exploitation here in the United States and around the world.”
We work with over 40 Network Members spanning 26 countries, including the U.S., to fight sex trafficking daily.
Over one million people have been impacted through aftercare, prevention, outreach, awareness, and intervention programs since 2012.
Last year, 2,169 people were set free from human trafficking. That’s an average of 10 people every 24 hours.
We currently have over 60 safe homes to help victims become survivors. This is where survivors receive holistic care, access to counseling, medical care, education, and vocational training.
When you share, you fuel this global movement to fight sex trafficking and free more lives worldwide. We believe there is power in education, and we want to equip The N2 Company and your clients with tools to talk about Atlas Free's work easily. That's why we created a media packet for you to use. Do you need to fill some ad space? Did you know that you can run a ½ page ad on a 501c3 at no cost to you? You can share the good news about what your publication supports, and we will make it easy for you. In this packet of digital resources, we have included several options of ads you can run that fit your specs.
Turn your next event into impact. We want to partner with you to use your next gathering to set people free from sex trafficking and exploitation. Shea Robinson used an event to raise funds and awareness. Joseph Monaghan invited eight neighborhoods in Virginia Beach for an evening of food, drinks, and fighting sex trafficking. Michael Pruitt turned his neighborhood holiday party into an opportunity to bring freedom to women and children around the world. Are you ready to turn your next event into impact?
Email laurae@atlasfree.org.