We are Atlas Free®,
formerly Rescue:Freedom®.

Watch the video below to learn more from our
CEO & President, Jeremy Vallerand.
Click here to learn how to share the news.

For over a decade, people like you have donated time and resources to help free people around the world and create a future without trafficking. Together, we have made extraordinary progress, but we still have work to do. Human trafficking remains the fastest-growing criminal enterprise worldwide, earning more annual profit than Walmart, Visa, Amazon, and Google—combined.

To better reflect our goal to put sexual exploitation out of business, we are excited to announce that effective July 26th, we became Atlas Free, formerly Rescue:Freedom®.

Changing the name of a global organization is no small undertaking and we wouldn't do it if we didn't feel like it was an essential step in getting us closer to our mission: to accelerate and resource the fight against sex trafficking and exploitation.

We know you'll have questions, and we want to share with you our why. Click here to jump down and learn more. 

We know you'll have questions about this change. Let us help answer those for you.

Why did you change your name?
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As we grew, we quickly realized it wasn't enough to get people out of brothels if we knew there were ways we could prevent trafficking in the first place. So we launched prevention programs. Then we began to see other ways to combat exploitation through policy, education, demand reduction, an much more. It felt like our programs and our impact were outgrowing our name. 

Then we began hearing from survivors that the term "rescue," often used to describe helping children, wasn't the best term to describe what it took for adults to escape from exploitation. Rescue can imply that we see ourselves as the hero, the savior swooping in. But many times, it is the survivor who dares to run, to risk their lives to escape because they know that our Network Members will be there to support them. "Rescue" has also been used by some organizations to imply that all it takes to end human trafficking is for a group of superheroes to kick down brothel doors and set everyone free.

But we know it takes much more than that.

When we began this work in 2012, our primary focus was getting people out of exploitation and into freedom. Quite literally, from Rescue to Freedom. We captured that idea with our butterfly logo, a symbol of transformation, metamorphosis, and new life.

Why did you choose the name Atlas Free?
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The dictionary defines an atlas as a book of charts and maps. It shows how places are connected and how to get from point A to point B. The name Atlas Free captures that idea of a globally connected movement. A link between those on the front lines all around the world and those wanting to invest in freedom from exploitation.

Atlas Free is another way of saying "free world" and represents what we're fighting for daily—a world where everyone is free.

What does the logo mean?
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There are many great narratives within this logo: 

  • The Atlas Free logo is made up of a globe—or sun —and the letter “A.” It is our mission that trafficking and exploitation be put out of business all around the world.
  • Atlas is the figure who upholds the world. As followers of Jesus, a core element of our faith is a calling to respond to injustice, protect the vulnerable, and fight for freedom. To uphold the world with love, hope, and action. The “A” lifts the globe in our logo. The “A” is for Atlas Free and represents a global movement of people upholding the world together in pursuit of freedom. 
  • The bottom left of the “A” gives a subtle nod to a compass needle. A compass points the way. It shows the true north. For us, the true north represents that all people are created with equal value and dignity. We are all made to be free. The compass also helps guide the way, as we work to guide a global community to combat exploitation. 
  • The top right tip of the “A” represents a mountain peak, a nod to our origin story as climbers and adventurers.

    What do you see?

Why did you change the colors?
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There are a few reasons:
  • When we started ten years ago, little was known about human trafficking to the public. Red made sense to evoke attention and passion. As a color, red means emergency (think fire truck, medical red cross). It’s meant to grab your attention (think stop sign or stop light). For us, red was meant to wake people up to an issue that many were unaware of, and communicate a sense of urgency. Since that time, the shock factor has worn off, and most people know about human trafficking. Now, we don’t just need their attention, we need a strategic global response. In the last ten years, we’ve seen organizations come and go. People are now looking for a place they can trust with real solutions. That has always been us. Our new colors represent our values and what the movement needs most: Hope, innovation, trust, and strategy.
  • Scientifically, blue conveys our brand attributes best: Trust, strength, harmony, intelligence, precision, peace, and ultimately, freedom.
  • Lastly, blue is loyal, dependable, and committed—much like our strategy and our incredible community. The nature of our approach is agile and always-on, and blue is a constant reminder of that commitment.
What is your mission statement? Is your mission the same?
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We may have a new name and a new logo but the heart of our mission is the same: Accelerate and resource the fight against sex trafficking and exploitation.

What exactly is changing? Are you changing what you stand for?
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Who we are is not changing. The heart of our work is still centered around the millions of men, women, and children living in exploitation and vulnerability every day. We are updating our brand to more accurately reflect the global and strategic nature of how we fight exploitation and the movement you are part of. We have and will always stand for hope, innovation, trust, strategy, and fighting for each and every life.

Do you still have the same values? Are you still Jesus-centric and faith-based?
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Yes, who we are isn’t changing. Yes, our faith continues to inform our belief that all people are created with equal dignity and value, because of Jesus there is always hope, and that good is far more powerful than evil. We are motivated by our connection to people and have a desire to see everyone flourish in freedom.

Where is Atlas Free headed strategically with this new brand?
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The reality is that we’re headed to more growth than ever before. A rising tide lifts all ships and the nature of our work is to propel a global movement to stop trafficking. That’s the path we continue to forge. We are moving forward with the same goal—to invest in what’s working and build what’s missing until trafficking is eradicated everywhere. 

Don't see your question? We're here to help.
Email us at  engage@atlasfree.org

We need you.

Help Atlas Free take flight.

Share this page with friends and family to let them know why we made the change to Atlas Free.


Sign up to receive real-time updates by texting ATLASFREE to the number (888) 388-1811. Have a question? We text back.


Share one of these images and captions on social media using the hashtag #AtlasFree. Sharing on social media is one of the most critical step you can take. Whether you are a fundraiser, a church, a business, or someone who wants to see trafficking end, sharing on social media builds excitement and awareness for our mission. Find your custom social media posts below.


Bonus: Text 3-5 friends and let them know they can make their mark in the fight against human trafficking by joining the Atlas Free community today. They can join our newsletter here or text ATLASFREE to (888) 388-1811.


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Our community is made up of many different people, businesses, and supporters. Find where you most fit below and help us take flight.

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tell the world about Atlas Free.

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Have questions for our team? We're here to help.
Contact us via phone or email.

Some of our team is on standby if you need any support with updating your supporting logos, answering any questions for your customers, or just want to chat about this change.
Feel free to reach out to one of our team members directly.

Jackie Ellwood - Director of Community Engagement

Jackie Ellwood
Donor Relations Manager
Phone: (888) 388-1811
Email: engage@atlasfree.org

Laura Esquivel - Community Mobilization Manager

Laura Esquivel
Community Mobilization Manager
Phone: (888) 388-1811
Email: engage@atlasfree.org

Together, we are:

History makers.
Adventure creators.
students of the past.
guides of the present.
shapers of the future.